Legalization of documents for use in Portugal or other Portuguese speaking country

Documents issued in the United Arab Emirates which are intended for use in Portugal or in another country where Portuguese is recognized as the official language (including Brazil, Mozambique, Angola etc.) must be submitted and attested to the relevant Consulate in Dubai or Embassy in Abu Dhabi after being stamped and attested at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (MOFA).
Documents must be translated into Portuguese by one of our certified translators recognized by the relevant Consulate or Embassy or national institution of the country of destination/origin before (or after) submitting them to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Authentication chains and processes often vary according to the Portuguese speaking country of destination/origin of the documents. We are in touch with most authorities and can provide the best tailored solution for your needs for most Portuguese speaking countries.

Legalization of portuguese documents for use in the UAE

Documents issued by authorities in countries where Portuguese is the official language, which will be used Dubai or Abu Dhabi should be legalized following an authentication process in the country of origin that leads to the final attestation the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the capital city of that country.
For some countries the documents should be translated into English or Arabic before leaving the country.
Once in the UAE, the document should be attested by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
After the legalization the document in Portuguese should be translated by a certified translator, in English or Arabic. The translation then can be submitted to the relevant Consulate, which will revise and validate it. For some local authorities this final step is not required.
Please contact us for any question or doubt and we would be more than happy to help you understand the best solution for you.
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